St. Michael’s Church in Exeter New Hampshire recently completed a total renovation of their nave and sanctuary.
After months of negotiating, advising, conjoling and finally getting approval to refinish one of their pews as a sample for the entire project (which proved to be the turning point in their decision to choose our company), the Keck Group won out to win the contract for refinishing the pews.
Starting out as colonial style pews with white inserts on both the pews and frontals, we were able to go with a completely natural finish, as evidenced by the before and after pictures.
The church was extremely pleased by the finished product as evidenced, below, by the unsolicited testimonials from the Clerk of the works, and the architect.
Dianne – Architect: Said about the project, “The pews are absolutely beautiful! Everything I had hoped for!”, “Great work to all.”
Clerk: “Hi Terry/Bob: the pews continue to get many praises. Wishing you both a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”