Msgr. James Swiader inspects pews being restored in our shop.
The first call for this project came from the Architects, HE2PD, Rockville Centre, to see if we could remove pews in the rear of the church for installation of a restored Paragallo organ.
On the first visit, I had deja vu all over again. We had refinished these pews in the late 80’s, and now it was time for a slight color change and a refreshing refinish job. Instead of the scheme to refinish eight pews each week (pick up Monday and Reinstall Friday), we decided to accomplish the work in quarters, with a turnaround each 2 1/2 weeks. The challenge of seating was overcome with Keck lending the church 250 chairs that we moved around each pew installation.
Since the job started in late November, we agreed to have all of the pews in the church for Christmas, half refinished with the other half to be picked up on the Monday after Christmas.
The job was completed in January of 2016. Msgr. James Swaider, originally skeptical of the tight schedule, was elated with the beautifully refinished pews, and is anticipating the refinishing of all the exterior church doors and frames, set to begin in the spring.